I knew this one was going to be a riot.
Big and bold in the interstitials, but subtle in the main sections of the keynote, this had to hold your attention for 45 minutes.
Not all the music in the keynote is mine, but the main pieces involving the family as a whole - the beginning and end music, as well as the tracks under the kitchen and living room Jetbot AI+ sections are.
Again it was good to play with inside/outside, pushing music back into certain rooms or bringing the viewer into the space. In the case of the intro to the Laundry section, we start practically in the cake (!), so I used the sound of Evie sieving flour before bringing in the room ambience as we pan backwards and then bringing the foley for the Bespoke Jet vacuum cleaner front and centre to emphasise its importance as a featured product.
The end track was just big band mayhem with a little guitar solo and lots of fun, bringing some internal attitude to the Jetbot AI+ autonomous vacuum cleaner.
Turnaround time : 4 days.